By this time your Y-DNA should have some variance from a common ancestor that long ago. English surnames were mostly adopted in the 1500's, the Irish often earlier. It's unlikely that you have an exact Y-DNA-67 match from a common ancestor who pre-dates the adoption of surnames. There is a Tool on the net cant remember the website of Hand but you enter STR'S for you and Your Match and it Calculates a Time Frame to a common ancestor differently than FTDNA' Tip Tool

If your Haplogroup is Only Predicted shows in the color Red on a ydna Results Page there are Haplogroup Predictor Tools on the net that you would enter your STR'S into that may refine you Further or Comparisons with others Confirmed listed with the Color Green as that makes a big Difference also as it takes SNP testing to refine and confirm a Haplogroup and SNP'S can be Used also for Comparison as SNP research allows them to be Dated. Anyhow it would help you to research People such as the King of Picts and the Ulster Plantations. My most recent ancestry is Eastern Canada and USA (Coastal Towns) before that it was England, Scotland, England, France before the Norman Conquest and before that Ireland my Doing a Y111 ydna Test then a Big Y Test has paved the Path into my own deep Ancestry Like a GPS. I am in the same Boat only i have France in my Paternal ancestry.

It also helps to research events that Happened and people involved such as the The time Frame of the Scottish wars of independence and King Edward l Longshanks or the Norman Conquest and then other People such as Kenneth McAlin, Furgus or Naill of Nine Hostages indeviduals that had an impact on People or they may have been in more than one Country. This is an unprovable relationship, and a disturbing one for a family so deeply religious, but it is the only scenario that makes sense. If my deduction is correct then we are 1st cousins 5 times removed, meaning that our common ancestor is our 5th ggf, making us 6th cousins, and that would not show up on FTDNA's match list, but it would explain why we match Y67/67 This would explain why he, of all people, and there are over 40, is the only one of two that are Y67/67 and simultaneously why his atDNA is a 3rd - 5th cousin match with three members of a family that descend from my 4th great granduncle, while I do not show a match with either them or him. There is no doubt that his familial line of descent is accurate, but DNA tells a different story, that his 3rd great grandfather was not the son of his presumed 4th great grandfather, but perhaps the son of a his 4th ggf's daughter and a son of his 2nd cousin. However, these people were very religious, and loathe to record such an illegitimate, his family produced a line of preachers starting with this possible illegitimate son. If a male infant of my 4th great granduncle had a child with a daughter of his 3rd ggf, then he would indeed match with this family which descends from my 4th great grand uncle. His 3rd great grandfather and my 4th great uncle were 2nd cousins, their children would have been 2nd cousins once removed. Not inconceivable that an infant would have been taken in by a cousin living nearby.

I do know that the brother of my 4th great grandfather was killed in a revenge slaying by Cherokee, not far at all from where his 3rd great grandfather was living, that at least one infant survived the raid. My 4th great grandfather is their 6th-7th great grandfather, and I don't have a family finder match with that family. However with family finder he has a 3rd through 5th cousin match with three members of the same family, who descend from the brother of my 4th great grandfather. I do not have such a close match with anyone else who descends from his 5th ggf. However our paper lines diverge with the birth of my 6th ggf and his 5tth ggff (who were brothers), our common ancestor was born 1657. I have a Y67/67 match (Genetic Distance or GD=0) with a person of the same surname who traces his ancestry to the same person (my 9th ggf) who arrived in Jamestown in 1618.